Creative Ways to Use Your Lifestyletable

MWSS, Inc. has partnered with an Australian company who we have introduced previously as the Cardan Group, to provide you- our loyal customers- with top-of-the-line RV accessories. The first product the company launched is called Lifestyletable. A Lifestyletable is a low profile RV folding table that is easily attached to the side of your camper, without the need of cutting a large hole into your exterior wall. Manufactured and designed in Australia with quality stainless steel, aluminum, and die-cast aluminum corners, these RV accessories are durable and withstand both wear and weight. Their premium structure is able to hold up to 55 pounds of anything and everything you need for storage or as an open surface area.

lifestyle table - rv

5 Fun Ways to Use Your Lifestyletable

Many Rvers are well aware of the hassle of preparing a large meal for multiple people with limited space inside of your RV. This is why many opt to prepare their meals and begin cooking outside as to not disturb others inside. This also eliminates the lingering smell of food inside of your camper which can bother others. You can use your Lifestyletable to layout all of your cooking ingredients and to display your many plates of delicious food once you have cooked it. Then it is easy for friends and family to gather around and fill their plates!

If you frequent RV campgrounds, you know that meeting new new campers is one of the best parts of your camping experience. Connecting with others who enjoy the same activities you do is a great way to make long-term friendships and potential travel companions for future trips. A popular event that many campers participate in, especially during the spring, fall, and summer months is a social or "happy hour". This a time where RV campers can gather together to enjoy snacks and drinks and to socialize. A great use for your Lifestyletable is to layout your spread for this event, including all of your dishes, food and drinks, and a table cloth to give it a homey, inviting look and acting as your rv dining table!

Similar to a social hour, your Lifestyletable can be used for another event of gathering with your friends and family to have fun together while on an RV camping trip. However, instead of food and drinks on your table, you can use this open surface as the playing field for a game night! From card games like poker and blackjack, to Scrabble and Monopoly, your Lifestyletable will provide you with ample space to house many games on it and room for you and all fo your guests to play all night long!

For all of our parents out there who bring their children on RV trips or even life full-time as a family in your RV, we have a fun solution to keep your camper free, or at least almost free, of messes. Instead of allowing your children to play with all of their toys and games in the shared common space of your RV, we recommend using your outdoor Lifestyletable as their playstation. This is also a great way to get your children outside.You can even laminate the surface so it easy-to-clean and messes can be cleaned up in no time. A creative idea is to laminate your Lifestyletable with a United States map and the children can easily draw on it with erasable markers to mark all the spots your family has been and plans to go!

Our final idea of how to creatively use your Lifestyletable in your RV is for your pet. When you install your table, you have full range and capability to lower it as much as possible. If you have a mostly outdoor pet, such as a dog, that you want to bring on your trip- this is a great option for you! You can install your table low to ground and put your pet's bed, food and water dishes, and toys on the table for convenience and comfort. This way your pet is always with you and has its on space so that it does not take away from your indoor areas. Also, your pet can be included whenever you are spending time outdoors on your RV camping trips!

You can purchase your own Lifestyletable today directly from out site now. We hope you have gotten some creative ides for all the ways you can use a Lifestyletable in your own RV! We would love to hear some of the purposes you find for this innovation in RV accessories. Contact us here if you have any questions about our products or inquiries about Lifestyletables. We are happy to help!

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